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~Nic Dean
Hello Dear Reader,

My name is Nicolas Dean. No I am not a writer, I am a researcher. I have made it my mission to record some of the most extraordinary people in all of history, people who are never given credit for there doings. This is the story of Ian Overdale, the agent of angels, who saved his country from great turmoil.

By night, by day, more extraordinary people of history still wait to be discovered…

~Nic Dean

Monday, September 28, 2009

Chapter: 23

Colonel Nixon
February, 3, 2013
Bruce’s Best Burgers
“Hello Ian, glade you could come.” Hanke said. “This is Colonel Nixon.” Hanke said gesturing to a man next to him. Leaning back in his chair, Nixon had short black hair and brown eyes. The colonel looked up and said “Yes, I am Colonel Nixon of navel and land.” Nixon said in a soft voice. “Colonel Cole Nixon is skilled the arts of strategy, gun fighting, and sniping. You will work with him to flush out the last general, Mauvais Fou.” Hanke continued. “Do you think there was a reason that the Officer was so stupid to put all his best generals on a plane?” Nixon asked. “It was a risky thing to do, but according to my special sources the Officer believed the air was the safest place.” Hanke replied. “He thought wrong.” Nixon said. “Back to the mission, unlike your past mission, witch you simply used all your resources to kill the general, this time I have a plan. Like the raid on the Officer’s air strip, Nixon will lead a strike force to both, take Mauvais’ training camp - where he is located - and distract the forces there. You will go around the forces and snipe Mauvais, sorry Nixon, you can snipe next time.” Hanke said. “Ok, and if the force fails, I’ve heard the training camp is also a artillery field?” Ian asked. “Well, full retreat of course.” Hanke matter-of-factly said. “Ok something more important, where is Fabian Penn and Drake McDale?” Ian asked. “They where great! More like an Alamo Scout mission, not one of the force was injured or killed.” “That’s good.” “One more question, how hard will this be?” asked Nixon. “Let me remind you Nixon, Mauvais Fou is blacklist number 2, his training ground is not just a training ground is planed to push out attackers, also serving as a artillery field, whenever loaded he can shell us at will. To say it simply, the anything that will be harder during this semi-war is the attack on Santa Fe, we must stop from become a REAL war. Meet with me at the Extraterrestrial Highway in Nevada, the training grounds is a mile away from there. In one of the most desolate places in North America”

Friday, September 25, 2009

Chapter: 22

Chapter: 22
Rough Landing
February, 3, 2013
Deli’s Plane the RĂ©bellion
Ian closed the drop door, confused, I’ll see you at the most inconvenient time? Did Deli mean to let go? Ian started up the plane again. Pass the conference room, then into the kitchen (where he shot a chef hurling knifes at him) into a luxury dining room, then to a sitting area, then finally the cockpit. Shot the pilots and took control over the plane. The turned the plane around and then there was a explosion above him. Ian ducked as Deli fell into the room. He stood up and smiled. “Overdale, Overdale! I will give you one more chance. Give up now or I will fine a way to kill you!” Deli said “Never!” Ian responded. “Ok then you asked for it.” Deli attempted to hit him, Ian caught Deli’s fist and used Deli’s own energy to throw him on the ground. Deli simple and kicked Ian in a place the sun don’t shine. Ian toppled over. Deli jumped up and kicked Ian in the chest. Deli said. “Clearly I can’t beat you fairly, so… Deli went to the controls and aimed his own plane to do a dive straight to the ocean. “Good bye Overdale, I am now number 3 on the Blacklist, thank you.” He grabbed his parachute and pulled it on. He opened the door and turned around. Ian was gone. Deli looked around alarmed. Deli fell as he was kicked in the head. Ian had crawled out the hole Deli and made, and flung himself through the open door. “No Deli, thank you.” Deli look up at Ian in hatred. He pulled himself up at glowered at Ian. You will now get away with this! Deli shouted. “Yes I will, join your dead comrades and plan a undead rebellion please this is fun. I‘d like to do it again” Ian jumped dropping a smoke grenade too. Deli staggered around trying to find the controls, the smoke was to thick though! A minute later Deli found them, he smiled and started to lift the plane up, but it was too late. A second later Deli was no more.

* * *

The explosion looked huge from Ian’s position. A mushroom cloud as tall as a skyscraper, and it looked as if it came from a dragon’s maw. Slowly Ian descended in his parachute. When he landed it was a mile from land. The coast guard picked him up, Ian showed his ID and the coast guard helped him get in contact with Hanke and the others. “Ha! You think you needed to tell me Deli is dead? I saw the explosion from here! Kidding, the coast guard told me before they got you. What? Ian you’ve overdone yourself! Now only 1 more general before the Officer! Keep this up and I’ll give you the Agent of Angels honor. Meet up with me at Bruce’s Best Burger’s restaurant, I have someone I want you to meet.”

Friday, September 18, 2009

Chapter: 21

A Plain Plane Mission
February, 3, 2013
The Officer’s Air Strip, North Carolina
“Ok men, all of know what to do. Troops, your mission is simple, stay alive, kill as many soldiers you can, and make as much chaos as possible. Drake, your dressed as Ian. Make sure no soldiers see your face, and run the whole other direction as Ian is going. You will go in before Ian to draw more troops to you. Ian, find your way to the packing zone and clime into a crate. Hope that you will not be found before the plane has taken off.” Fabian was saying at base camp about 5 minutes away from the air strip. “Ok now on the way up be sure not to be seen. I will give you 2 more minutes to prepare.” Ian walked away from Fabian. Ian surveyed the landscape, the air strip was long and narrow. It smelled of tarmac and jet fuel. It was secret until 5 days ago. In that time the CIA figured out that supplies for the Officer was being imported and exported from France to American unknowingly by both the American government and the French. “So are you ready Ian?” said Drake McDale from behind him. “You should be that one that’s ready, your impersonating me! If they catch you your as good as dead.” “Whatever it takes to avenge my fallen childhood city.” “Your as about as mad as the Officer as I am aren’t you?” “What do you have ageist the Officer?” “Rumors are flying around that before the Officer’s Army was official that he was behind 9/11 and all the people they caught was just finely paid mercenaries. My Uncle was on that plane, he had taken care of me after… well that’s a story for another time.” “I’m sorry. My mother was in Santa Fe when the raid took place. I don’t know what happened to her.” Then Fabian shouted from behind them. “Ok men! Forum here we march against the Officer now. Tonight” They stepped quietly past the trees, it was more like a marsh then a ocean on this island. The team stepped into deep mud that reeked of kind of smell you can’t exactly describe. Ian heard the Air Strip before he saw it. He heard machines inside, he wasn’t sure of what kind but it was vary nosy. The team spilt into groups, Alpha, Echo, Zulu, and Bravo. Ian was in Zulu with Fabian. Drake was in Alpha who would operate at the other side of the base. “I thought we weren’t trying to take the Air Strip.” Ian commented to Fabian.” “We aren’t we just need to make sure it LOOKS like we are.” Fabian then spoke into his walkie talky. “Echo, Bravo move into positions. Wait for my queue. Alpha, wait until I strike, we will be a deadly finish.” Ian saw in the distance the other 2 squads moving into positions. “Ok now!” 2 explosions sounded and gunfire started. Fabian waited a agonizing 2 minutes then said. “Alpha, Zulu move!” Ian’s team moved with out question and about 100 feet away so did Alpha. Ian’s squad moved to enforce Bravo’s line, and Drakes moved toward Echo. Once they got to the front door, Ian waited until Drake was ready and ran into the Air Strip. A quarter of a millisecond before Ian went in Drake ran in too. Ian stayed out of sight while the other end Drake ran into the thickest of the fight and Frenchmen chased him down going “Overdale, there! Get him!” and “Overdale where, where? I want his bounty!” I have a bounty? Ian thought. He passed behind packing crate, after packing crate. Then Ian saw it a colossal plane, with something in French written on the side (Ian didn’t have time to translate it), and crate after crate has being loaded into it. This had to be Deli Cilgin’s plane, they where loading the crates like crazy, as if the world would end if they didn’t keep loading. Ian sweep across the air strip to the plane, his trench coat, he was wearing, blew behind him. Ian hid behind yet another crate. Ian had to get into a crate unnoticed, that would be hard considering all guards around the plane. Right when Ian came to this conclusion, Drake ran past him in his own trench coat and promptly all the guards went after him shouting. Ian scrabbled into a crate in front of him. He looked over at Fabian a shouted “Retreat! Everyone we’re being pounded too bad!” Then Ian crouched into the crate so no one would have seen him. Then a worker ran to his crate and pounded nails into it and all went into darkness.


“Wait 15 minutes until you open the crate.” that’s what Fabian had told Ian before the raid started. Ian had been cramped in the box for 10 minutes. To say things simply, Ian got impatient and kicked the crate open. He stood in a cargo hold. A large one too. Ian observed the crates around him, many containing guns, some files, a few, and some food. Ian looked at his own gun. Dismayed he noted he was almost out. Ian went the weapon crates and took a M16, it seemed all the terrorists had outdated guns. Ian inched toward the door at the other end of the room, witch was starting to smell of jet fuel. He waited a minute, then kicked the door open. The room was luxuries, red leather seating, plasma screen TV, granite tabletops. But more importantly, 4 uniformed generals looked up. Ian felt a funny feeling in his chest, they where here. Henro Chu, Julia Bann, Galen Arg, Kindo Gaal, Vihane Hull most of the blacklist was on this plane. Then Ian saw Deli. “Ah, nice for you to join us Overdale!” said Deli in a distinctive Indian accent. “Generals of the Officer’s Army! I Command you to kill him, I do not care of the Officer’s orders. He is to big of a threat! KILL HIM!” Without question all the generals drew guns. Ian darted back and fired his M16. Hull fell, but soldiers started to pour into the room. Ian was backing back into the hold. Hold the hold Ian joked to himself. The generals entered slowly Ian held his gun ready. “Why must you be so? Why is the CIA so dumb? Didn’t he know this would be a meeting for the generals?” asked Arg in a mocking tone. “Oh the CIA is dumb? I think a gathering of ALL the generals on a PLANE is dumb.” Ian retorted. “It dose not matter now. What matters is the swine on my plane, he’s killed Hull, let us kill him slowly.” said Deli. “Well. Did it every occur to you what your standing on?” Ian asked, at the same time pressing a large red button that read SUPPLY DROP. All the generals and most the soldiers flew out of the drop door, Deli held on at a rail while his soldiers flew out. Deli looked up the Ian and said “I’ll see you in the most inconvenient time Overdale!” Then Deli let go and flew out along with the rest.

Chapter: 20

Fall of Santa Fe
February, 3, 2013
Santa Fe, New Mexico
“Santa Fe has fell, people are being evacuated as we speak. The Officer is more dangerous then we originally thought.” Hanke said in a resigned tone. “Uh yah! Your not the one who the Officer is so intent on killing, if you where me you won’t underestimate him!” All three men looked depressed, mostly McDale though. “Santa Fe was my home for 13 years. I won’t stand for this! If anyone is with you Ian it is me! I will be with you till the end when we raid Santa Fe and rip off the Officer’s head!” Said McDale “I will be with you too, anyone who comes to my country, and my family will have a reserved gravestone.” Penn said “So be it. My next target is Deli Cilgin, I read his record he will be hard to get to, he is a stagiest so he won’t be in open combat. He will have to go through a lot of henchman before we meet Deli himself.” “I don’t care how many obstacles are in my way, he took my old home and is treating it like scum, that deserves no less then death.” McDale countered. “Ok, now agents Deli Cilgin is in a plane to France, it is a private plane with a cargo hold, luxury area, dining, seating, you name you got it. You will all be part of the plan. Ian you will be packed into a crate to go onto the plane. I no, I no. Not exactly comfy. Penn you will lead the strike force on the holding center where Ian will be packed into the plane. You main objective is to distract the forces and then after Ian is in the box, get out! McDale, you will be the decoy. You will be dressed like Ian and will try and draw troops to you, not Ian. That is a dangerous task. Got it men? I have assembled a SWAT team to escort you out of the city. I will find my own way out. Ok got it men? Move out!” Ian moved toward to door, then Penn spoke. “You know its silly your still calling us by our last names. Please call me Fabian.” “Your right Fabian. Call me Drake. Please, we are now a squad anymore, call us by OUR first names like we do to you.” Said McDale, or now know as Drake. The three of them walked outside. Ian, Fabian, and Drake.

* * *

After they had gotten out of the city, Ian and the others had gotten into an armored truck and driven off. “Are we going all the way back to Virginia in this armored truck? If we don’t take a plane there we will miss our flight to France! All we are going to do in Virginia is arm ourselves anyway!” complained Fabian. They had been on the road for hours. “We need to get out of the hot zone. The Officer has made that zone huge. Don’t worry, we are almost at an airport.” the Driver replied. About 5 minutes later ( but Fabian’s complaints made it seem longer) they arrived at an airport. They gave their ID first. So when discovered that they where agents, they where allowed to pass on to the plane (no weapon check!). The plane ride took about an hour, Fabian opened a book entitled The General, Drake turned on the TV built into the seat in front of him, and Ian just sat there, knowing that the raid would take place real soon. When they arrived at the CIA HQ in Virginia they went directly to the weapon room. It felt odd being in the HQ, almost safe, but one day that would be one of the most dangerous places for Ian. Yet, that’s a story for another time. Ian, Fabian, and Drake went straight for the weapons room. Drake scanned past several shelves and stetted on a MC6007, a weapon currently being used in the Mexican Revolt. Fabian eyed an Uzi but then picked 2 Walter P72s. Ian armed him self with explosives, C4, Stun Grenades, Explosive Grenades, and a whole lot others.

Chapter: 19

The Great Battle of the Department Store
February, 3, 2013
Santa Fe, New Mexico
Ian looked up to see Froid stagger with a wound in with right shoulder. The other men around him tried to help him. Ian look around half aware that there where running, screaming people all around him. Ian got up and looked to who had fired the shot. To his astonishment the lady from behind the counter was holding a gun. Ian ran over and said to her “What the h-” but he was cut off by the lady “I worked a bar for 4 years ok? Now get out of here they’re be after you!” Sure enough from behind him Froid shouted “Don’t help me get the boy!” Ian ran. Knowing the Officer, he would have probably ordered Froid to leave men behind at the doors, so naturally Ian ran to the whole other end of the store. “Use your guns idiots!” Froid yelled at his men who had only been chasing him. Gun fire stared. Ian ducked then moved to a milk jug witch he hurled at the on slather of French men. The milk jug mad contact with one man who was thrown off his feet. Gun fire started again. Ian ran around a corner into a pop aisle, the men ran right passed and then looked confused trying to figure out where Ian had went. “Hello!” Ian shouted throwing a 24 pack case of Mountain Dew at man witch made contact with his head. Ian started running again. Ian knew he couldn’t keep this up. What he needed to do is find the weapons section and fight his way out the front doors. More gun fire. Ian ran up the soap aisle, got himself a bottle of Dawn and ran up to the nearest soldier and gave him a good squint in the eyes. Ian was tiring fast. He really need to get the weapons. 3 armed soldiers where still chasing him. Ian got a good distance away from one soldier, he ran up a glass wear aisle and had an idea. Ian waited at the end for the soldier. There he appeared at the end of the aisle. “Hay! Over here! You remind me of the Officer. You not to bright either.” Ian said. The angry man ran at full force down the aisle. Ian went over and kick one shelf then ran to the other and kicked it. Glass wear started to topple. Within 10 seconds the man was completely covered in broken shards of glass. Poor guy. Ok, the good news: 2 soldiers left! The bad news: the other 2 soldiers new exactly where to find Ian! Ian ran. The pounding footsteps where catching up. Ian turned down several aisles until he reached the sports section, then hunting. He picked a gun at random, loaded it with bullets and started to fight back. They both quickly fell. Hanke must have his Death Trigger by now Ian wished he had it, this gun felt oddly slow. He easily got out of the section and proceeded to cash registers. It was giant battle raging right in the front of him. Ian saw a SWAT team and the Officer’s soldiers in the fray. It looked like a stalemate, neither side was getting very far, but Ian had to go right into battle to out into the street. Then there was a great “BANG” and part of the roof fell in more of the SWAT team grappled down and started fighting more soldiers down the aisles, the whole store was now a war zone. Ian ran toward one of the SWAT team members and joined in the firing. The man Ian was next to glanced at him, then took a double take. “You Ian Overdale aren’t you?” he said. “Yes but what’s that have to do with now? We are in the second D-Day here!” “Well Hanke told me to tell you that your safe house is in the old warehouse on 22nd street. You better get out of here he is worried.” the man replied. “Don’t have to tell me twice!” Ian ran to the doors, he was almost hit several times, but got out unharmed. The outside of the store was not much better. Santa Fe, New Mexico had changed dramatically since the hospital had been taken. Fires where starting everywhere, Ian heard gunfire from several places around the city. Ian started to walk, 22nd street wasn’t to far away. Ian met a lot of soldiers on the way up, but they were not much of a problem. When he got to the warehouse, it was the strangest warehouse he’d ever seen, computers plastering the walls long tables with papers strewn across the surface. It smelled of a mixture of mold and rotting cheese. 3 people was in the warehouse, Hanke, Penn, and McDale. They didn’t look to happy, and for Penn and McDale that was rare.

Chapter: 18

Ian Goes Shopping!
February, 3, 2013
Santa Fe, New Mexico
Ian couldn’t believe how stupid he had been, he hadn’t asked Hanke, Penn, McDale, or even Aaron where the safe house was! Ian just stood in the middle of the sidewalk dumfounded. Then the concert exploded right by his foot. Ian turn and saw that there where multiple snipers in the windows of the smoldering hospital. Ian ran up the street -still under sniper fire- and then down an alleyway. Ian discarded his pistol there, partly because he didn’t like pistols (ever since the inauguration assault), partly because he has out of ammo. Ian headed for the end of the alleyway (because going in the way he came wouldn’t be vary smart) and turned to look upon another street. This one was crowed with people, pedestrians, police, fire crew, new reporters to name a few. Ian heard one of the new reports over the chaos, New Mexico General Hospital as you can see behind me is in flames, most of the patients have been evacuated bust the fire crew has not yet entered because of reports of a mad terrorist organization inside the police have been organizing a SWAT team… Ian had heard all this from the sidelines of course because he was still in his hospital clothes. Ian back into the alleyway thinking about what the reporter had said, police have been organizing a SWAT team, there still might be some hope… but Ian didn’t think even a SWAT team could outsmart the supreme strategy of none other then the Officer himself. Ian took out some clothes out of his bag (witch thankfully had been saved from the raid) and put them on. He walked out into the street calmly and proceeded down the road until he found a Best Mart. He entered it, his stock of food was running low (along with fresh clothes). Ian was at the deli when it happened, a feeling… that something was wrong, it reminded him of the inauguration, sensing that something bad was going to happen. “Is there something wrong?” a lady behind the counter asked. “No, no I think I’m fine.” Ian walked a few steps back and then he was face-to-face with a burly French man. “Where you going, punk? I have something to discuss with you Overdale.” the man said holding Ian tightly by the thought. But the worst thing was the man’s face, black scored, and it looked like charcoal. “Let up Froid! The Officer wants him alive.” a guy with Froid said. “I don’t care what the stupid Officer wants! I will kill this boy if I want! Look what he did to my face!” Froid said savagely. Ian realized with a jolt that this was one of the men from Echo Cell Phone Tower, only 10 bodies where found there! Then there was a gunshot and Ian collapsed and the floor.

Chapter: 17

Worst Day Yet
February, 3, 2013
New Mexico General Hospital

A day before Ian’s release, the end of the world begun. Ian was fit to continue his mission, but he still had one day left (don’t ask, I don’t know why hospitals do that) so Ian was just reading a book he found on the shelf. The Last Man Standing by Etat Srebmahc, some foreign guy. Even thought Ian had had bad experiences with foreign guys, this dude was a good writer. But this was not important, what was important was a large force of terrorizes entering the hospital. Alarms flared Aaron Doctor ran into the room and yelled “Get up! Here arm yourselves” Aaron handed Ian, McDale, and Penn pistols. “What do you run a pistol business here? You always have pistols. Why don’t you bring out the big bazooka or something!” Ian said laughing a little. “Just come on!” Aaron said. Hanke stumbled out of bed still not fully recovered. “What’s happening?” he asked wearily. “The Officer is here, there’s been some attempts to stop him… no luck. He’s only 2 floors down come on!” The five of them race along the halls. About to reach the staircase, the doors burst open, a mixture of French, American, and several other countries poured in and fired. Ian made sure not to shoot the Americans. “Other way!” shouted Aaron. They turned and ran Aaron covering the other five. “If we get out, where do we go?” Ian asked while Aaron was running full speed out of breath. “Safe house, down the road your Death Trigger is there.” Aaron replied panting. “Great, I’ve missed that!” Ian replied. “Elevator! Left!” Aaron shouted. They sped for the elevator witch at the time dinged and out poured another squadron of the Officer’s. Just then came the other squad from the stairs “Back to back! Protect Hanke!” Penn shouted. Aaron, Ian, McDale, and Penn made a circle around the weak Hanke and fired there pistols. The squads cornered them forcing them to back up into a ward. “Hold the line!” Ian shouted when inside, Hanke now behind them while they made a line. “Duck!” a weak voice from behind the line shouted. The 4 of them jumped to the ground as a small device sourced over there heads, hit the ground and exploded. “What the heck!?” was Ian’s first reaction. He stared over at Hanke who now looked paler and was leaning against a wall. “How in the name of the great god Zeus did you sneak a grenade into a hospital!?” “Long, painful story, go! McDale, Penn come with me I am weak. Rendezvous with me at the safe house Ian.” Ian left with Aaron. “So do you think we’ll meet reinforcements?” Ian asked. “Yes Captain Obvious!” Aaron said as Ian looked up and saw the Officer and a squad of troop directly in front of them. “Ah, well, well, well If it isn’t Ian and his little friend!” The Officer said. “Go.” Aaron muttered out of the coroner of his mouth. “No.” Ian muttered back. “Come Agent Ian Overdale! I have waited to long for your capture!” the Officer said gesturing his hand. “NOW!” Aaron shouted shoving Ian back Ian ran behind the corner and started to hear gunfire. Ian raced down the stairs and didn’t meet anyone. He ran into the receptionist area witch was a wreck. Chairs over turned, a pop machine on it’s side with bullet holes all over it (must have been made in Sweden) and a few tables in odd places (such as a rather small one hanging from a light fixture). Ian ran outside and realized, he didn’t know where that safe house was… he was not safe from the Officer. Not like he ever was…