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~Nic Dean
Hello Dear Reader,

My name is Nicolas Dean. No I am not a writer, I am a researcher. I have made it my mission to record some of the most extraordinary people in all of history, people who are never given credit for there doings. This is the story of Ian Overdale, the agent of angels, who saved his country from great turmoil.

By night, by day, more extraordinary people of history still wait to be discovered…

~Nic Dean

Friday, September 18, 2009

Chapter: 14

More Great Luck!
January, 25, 2013
Echo Cell Phone Tower, New Mexico
Ian hadn’t been aiming at Gin or any of her thugs, he had aimed at a barrel hoping he would be lucky. He was, the barrel had been full of gasoline. The shockwave was tremendous, and the fire was worst. It grew rapidly up the tower licking the metal. The four of them tried to hurry up and climb but the fire was to fast. “Keep going!” Ian shouted. “Oh, oh… never mind, jump!” All of them flew off the tower, it was the most terrifying thing ever. Surely the impact would kill him. He hit the ground, hard. The ground felt like concert. He thought he had to have broke every bone in his body. Then he heard that voice. “Ian! You fool! I told you not to come here!” Ian then saw nothing but black.

* * *

Some time later
New Mexico General Hospital
“He’s waking!” Ian heard someone say. He opened his eyes, all he saw was a blur of colors, he blinked several times and a ward in a hospital come into view. He was surrounded by people, doctors. “Mr. Overdale?” someone said. “Ugh!” was Ian’s answer. “Mr. Overdale, are you all right?” one of the doctors said. “Of course not! I jumped off the largest cell phone tower in New Mexico!” “Sorry, Mr. Overdale” the doctor said. The rest of the doctors milled around taking notes and stuff. “Sir, we thought you would be dead! It’s a miracle your alive! But, you have 3 broken ribs, a arm, a minor internal bleeding and you have a concussion.” a woman said. “What where you doing jumping of a cell phone tower!?” someone said. “Ask him” Ian said gesturing to Hanke witch he had seen next to him. All the doctors turned to face the old man it the neighboring bed. “That dose not concern you, doctors.” Hanke said quietly, Ian noticed that Hanke hadn’t faired much better than himself, maybe worst because of his old age. “Sir, are you aware that 11 bodies where found, and a gun called the Death Trigger? We could be housing murders!” said a doctor. The room got a lot louder after that “11 bodies?” “This old man you think is a murderer!? Your mental!” “You have a fair point there.” “Death Trigger? Never heard of it!“ where some explanations that the crowd of doctors said. “QUIET!!” yelled someone from the door. “Honestly, bickering like that with these people in this state!” the crowd parted and Ian saw a young man before him “Hello, I’m Dr. Doctor, I know funny right, you can just call me Aaron.” he said “I’m the head honcho of this place.” Aaron said. “Ah, yes head honcho, oh I’m starving, can you get me something to eat” “Yes, and then we can sort out this whole murder thing.” The room cleared after that. There where 2 guards outside his ward, even if there was an a attack Ian knew that wouldn’t be enough. “Now what’s this about?” Aaron asked. “They think we’re murders, crazy doctors!” Ian said. “Then what are you, jumping off the cell phone tower, just for fun I guess” “Oh, for havens sake! He’s an agent for the CIA, trying to destory a organization know as Rébellion Française, or the Officer’s Army. Ian was there with me. We where-” “What are we?! Brussels Sprouts?” Ian heard someone say farther back in the room. It was McDale with Penn in the bead beside, McDale had his arm splint and Penn had a crutch. “Hay! Why do you have minor injuries compared to mine and Hanke’s?” Ian asked annoyed. “We fell in the river next to the tower, you and Hanke missed in and hit the grass.” Penn said. “Oh.” “Ok people! Back to the CIA or murder thing!” Aaron said annoyed himself now. “Check his bags, you did find them along with the bodies?” “Yes, but they where confiscated, the FBI took them.” Aaron replied. “Ah, I see. I’ll get proof later!”

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