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~Nic Dean
Hello Dear Reader,

My name is Nicolas Dean. No I am not a writer, I am a researcher. I have made it my mission to record some of the most extraordinary people in all of history, people who are never given credit for there doings. This is the story of Ian Overdale, the agent of angels, who saved his country from great turmoil.

By night, by day, more extraordinary people of history still wait to be discovered…

~Nic Dean

Friday, September 18, 2009

Chapter: 19

The Great Battle of the Department Store
February, 3, 2013
Santa Fe, New Mexico
Ian looked up to see Froid stagger with a wound in with right shoulder. The other men around him tried to help him. Ian look around half aware that there where running, screaming people all around him. Ian got up and looked to who had fired the shot. To his astonishment the lady from behind the counter was holding a gun. Ian ran over and said to her “What the h-” but he was cut off by the lady “I worked a bar for 4 years ok? Now get out of here they’re be after you!” Sure enough from behind him Froid shouted “Don’t help me get the boy!” Ian ran. Knowing the Officer, he would have probably ordered Froid to leave men behind at the doors, so naturally Ian ran to the whole other end of the store. “Use your guns idiots!” Froid yelled at his men who had only been chasing him. Gun fire stared. Ian ducked then moved to a milk jug witch he hurled at the on slather of French men. The milk jug mad contact with one man who was thrown off his feet. Gun fire started again. Ian ran around a corner into a pop aisle, the men ran right passed and then looked confused trying to figure out where Ian had went. “Hello!” Ian shouted throwing a 24 pack case of Mountain Dew at man witch made contact with his head. Ian started running again. Ian knew he couldn’t keep this up. What he needed to do is find the weapons section and fight his way out the front doors. More gun fire. Ian ran up the soap aisle, got himself a bottle of Dawn and ran up to the nearest soldier and gave him a good squint in the eyes. Ian was tiring fast. He really need to get the weapons. 3 armed soldiers where still chasing him. Ian got a good distance away from one soldier, he ran up a glass wear aisle and had an idea. Ian waited at the end for the soldier. There he appeared at the end of the aisle. “Hay! Over here! You remind me of the Officer. You not to bright either.” Ian said. The angry man ran at full force down the aisle. Ian went over and kick one shelf then ran to the other and kicked it. Glass wear started to topple. Within 10 seconds the man was completely covered in broken shards of glass. Poor guy. Ok, the good news: 2 soldiers left! The bad news: the other 2 soldiers new exactly where to find Ian! Ian ran. The pounding footsteps where catching up. Ian turned down several aisles until he reached the sports section, then hunting. He picked a gun at random, loaded it with bullets and started to fight back. They both quickly fell. Hanke must have his Death Trigger by now Ian wished he had it, this gun felt oddly slow. He easily got out of the section and proceeded to cash registers. It was giant battle raging right in the front of him. Ian saw a SWAT team and the Officer’s soldiers in the fray. It looked like a stalemate, neither side was getting very far, but Ian had to go right into battle to out into the street. Then there was a great “BANG” and part of the roof fell in more of the SWAT team grappled down and started fighting more soldiers down the aisles, the whole store was now a war zone. Ian ran toward one of the SWAT team members and joined in the firing. The man Ian was next to glanced at him, then took a double take. “You Ian Overdale aren’t you?” he said. “Yes but what’s that have to do with now? We are in the second D-Day here!” “Well Hanke told me to tell you that your safe house is in the old warehouse on 22nd street. You better get out of here he is worried.” the man replied. “Don’t have to tell me twice!” Ian ran to the doors, he was almost hit several times, but got out unharmed. The outside of the store was not much better. Santa Fe, New Mexico had changed dramatically since the hospital had been taken. Fires where starting everywhere, Ian heard gunfire from several places around the city. Ian started to walk, 22nd street wasn’t to far away. Ian met a lot of soldiers on the way up, but they were not much of a problem. When he got to the warehouse, it was the strangest warehouse he’d ever seen, computers plastering the walls long tables with papers strewn across the surface. It smelled of a mixture of mold and rotting cheese. 3 people was in the warehouse, Hanke, Penn, and McDale. They didn’t look to happy, and for Penn and McDale that was rare.

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