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~Nic Dean
Hello Dear Reader,

My name is Nicolas Dean. No I am not a writer, I am a researcher. I have made it my mission to record some of the most extraordinary people in all of history, people who are never given credit for there doings. This is the story of Ian Overdale, the agent of angels, who saved his country from great turmoil.

By night, by day, more extraordinary people of history still wait to be discovered…

~Nic Dean

Friday, September 18, 2009

Chapter: 8

Novway Kane
January, 22, 2013
Delest Forest, New Mexico
When Ian saw the first guard he almost shot him. He was afraid that he would be discovered, but he leaned down to a prone position and stayed there. The guard didn’t see him. He snuck past to the basement doors. Not guards anywhere, Ian tried the door. Locked. Not surprising. Ian simply got out a picklock and the door was open within 5 minutes. Ian creep in, he looked over to a computer, Mal de sécurité à domicile was written across the screen. Must be some type of French security system Ian thought. Ian went up the computer. Within 10 minutes he was hacked into the system. Ian sifted thought the files trying to find the way to disarm the system. He couldn’t find the right file. So Ian found the delete button and deleted all the files! Now that disarmed the system! Ian went up the stairs, as quiet as Death himself. Ian pick locked the door to the house. He walked in. He was in what looked like a living room, he closed the door behind him. He looked around all the furniture here was modern, and tidy. There was a 57 inch TV at the far wall. Ian look around the room, surely he could sneak something out to sell on e-bay, make a fountain, invest in his own private base of operations, complete with an armory, office, spy satellite station. But of course, Ian’s mission was to destroy the Officer’s army. Nothing else. Ian waked by, to a set of stairs. Then Ian’s cell phone rung. Ian answered. “Run” said the Contact. Ian didn’t think twice. He ran windows exploded as soldiers burst thought. Ian ran down a hall, up some stairs, thought a rec room. All the time soldiers bursting in. Ian hit a dead end. He truned around, pulling out the Death Trigger. Then a man stepped forward, a drink in one hand, a shotgun in the other “Vot so fast” said Novway Kane.

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