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~Nic Dean
Hello Dear Reader,

My name is Nicolas Dean. No I am not a writer, I am a researcher. I have made it my mission to record some of the most extraordinary people in all of history, people who are never given credit for there doings. This is the story of Ian Overdale, the agent of angels, who saved his country from great turmoil.

By night, by day, more extraordinary people of history still wait to be discovered…

~Nic Dean

Friday, September 18, 2009

Chapter: 9

Cornered… again
January, 23 2013
Delest Forest, New Mexico
“Now vook, you surrender I vill give you this drink and I kick you out,” Kane said a strange non-French accent, “or if vou resist, I vill kill vou.” “What if I shoot you?” Ian asked. “I vill shoot vrist.” Kane said. “You think it’s that easy?” Ian asked. “Wow you must not have my full bio!” Ian said and then raised the Death Trigger. Kane did the same with his shotgun. “This gun shoots 50 per second surely you will be hit first.” Ian told Kane. A look a shock formed on Kane’s face. “50 vounds?! Pre vecond?!” Kane said astonished. “After I kill you I vill take vor gun and use it myself.” “Oh yah?” Ian asked. Kane then put the drink down on a nearby coffee table and put the free hand to his ear. Before Ian could comprehend that Kane was listening to a transmitter in his ear, everything when black.

* * *
Date unknown
Location unknown
Time unknown
Ian opened his eyes. He was lying on a hard mattress in a room made of concrete. Ian sat up the wall in front of him has bars, he was in prison. In what prison he did not know. Ian walked to the bars, people where outside, armed people, guards, soldiers. He was in the Officer’s Prison. Ian walked around the room thinking. There was a window far up on the wall it had bars in to thought. If only he had a bomb or something. Ian sat around for hours thinking. Finally a man walked up, he looked like a guard, but he didn’t seem like a guard. He had a cloth over his face so Ian didn’t see it, the man had dark red hair, and pale skin. He pasted Ian a phone and said in a whisper, “Don’t let Them see it, answer it when it vibrates.” his voice sounded familiar. The man walked away. 10 minutes later the phone vibrated. Ian answered it. “In 30 seconds a bomb is going to go off, it will destroy almost all of the hallway. Get to a safe place. Under the bed.” the Contact said. Ian didn’t need to be told twice. Ian ran and ducked under the bed. A few seconds later a explosion shook the whole place. Dust hung in the air debris few everywhere. “Run outside and to your right there will be the armory, your weapon is there.” Ian ran outside and stopped and looked around, inmates where milling around wondering what just happened. “If you want to get out of here follow me!” Ian shouted to them. One of them asked “What if your one of Them, you could be leading us into a trap!” “Ok then the ones who want to get out follow me!” Ian said again. All the inmates, even the one who had not believed Ian, followed him to the armory. “Ok everyone arm themselves!” said Ian. All of them took all sorts of weapons, ranging from a Uzi to medieval swords and bows. Ian searched for the Death Trigger, but then he remembered. If the Death Trigger if any where it’s in the hands of Novway Kane. Right on cue Kane walked in with 10 burly looking soldiers.

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