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~Nic Dean
Hello Dear Reader,

My name is Nicolas Dean. No I am not a writer, I am a researcher. I have made it my mission to record some of the most extraordinary people in all of history, people who are never given credit for there doings. This is the story of Ian Overdale, the agent of angels, who saved his country from great turmoil.

By night, by day, more extraordinary people of history still wait to be discovered…

~Nic Dean

Friday, September 18, 2009

Chapter: 17

Worst Day Yet
February, 3, 2013
New Mexico General Hospital

A day before Ian’s release, the end of the world begun. Ian was fit to continue his mission, but he still had one day left (don’t ask, I don’t know why hospitals do that) so Ian was just reading a book he found on the shelf. The Last Man Standing by Etat Srebmahc, some foreign guy. Even thought Ian had had bad experiences with foreign guys, this dude was a good writer. But this was not important, what was important was a large force of terrorizes entering the hospital. Alarms flared Aaron Doctor ran into the room and yelled “Get up! Here arm yourselves” Aaron handed Ian, McDale, and Penn pistols. “What do you run a pistol business here? You always have pistols. Why don’t you bring out the big bazooka or something!” Ian said laughing a little. “Just come on!” Aaron said. Hanke stumbled out of bed still not fully recovered. “What’s happening?” he asked wearily. “The Officer is here, there’s been some attempts to stop him… no luck. He’s only 2 floors down come on!” The five of them race along the halls. About to reach the staircase, the doors burst open, a mixture of French, American, and several other countries poured in and fired. Ian made sure not to shoot the Americans. “Other way!” shouted Aaron. They turned and ran Aaron covering the other five. “If we get out, where do we go?” Ian asked while Aaron was running full speed out of breath. “Safe house, down the road your Death Trigger is there.” Aaron replied panting. “Great, I’ve missed that!” Ian replied. “Elevator! Left!” Aaron shouted. They sped for the elevator witch at the time dinged and out poured another squadron of the Officer’s. Just then came the other squad from the stairs “Back to back! Protect Hanke!” Penn shouted. Aaron, Ian, McDale, and Penn made a circle around the weak Hanke and fired there pistols. The squads cornered them forcing them to back up into a ward. “Hold the line!” Ian shouted when inside, Hanke now behind them while they made a line. “Duck!” a weak voice from behind the line shouted. The 4 of them jumped to the ground as a small device sourced over there heads, hit the ground and exploded. “What the heck!?” was Ian’s first reaction. He stared over at Hanke who now looked paler and was leaning against a wall. “How in the name of the great god Zeus did you sneak a grenade into a hospital!?” “Long, painful story, go! McDale, Penn come with me I am weak. Rendezvous with me at the safe house Ian.” Ian left with Aaron. “So do you think we’ll meet reinforcements?” Ian asked. “Yes Captain Obvious!” Aaron said as Ian looked up and saw the Officer and a squad of troop directly in front of them. “Ah, well, well, well If it isn’t Ian and his little friend!” The Officer said. “Go.” Aaron muttered out of the coroner of his mouth. “No.” Ian muttered back. “Come Agent Ian Overdale! I have waited to long for your capture!” the Officer said gesturing his hand. “NOW!” Aaron shouted shoving Ian back Ian ran behind the corner and started to hear gunfire. Ian raced down the stairs and didn’t meet anyone. He ran into the receptionist area witch was a wreck. Chairs over turned, a pop machine on it’s side with bullet holes all over it (must have been made in Sweden) and a few tables in odd places (such as a rather small one hanging from a light fixture). Ian ran outside and realized, he didn’t know where that safe house was… he was not safe from the Officer. Not like he ever was…

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